@ Caracasbaai Beach, Curacao



Host: Sithoc Swim Team
Date: Sunday, November 10th, 2024
Venue: Caracasbaai Beach Curaçao

07:00 Check in, marking and medical check for all 3k and 5k swimmers
08:00 Start 3k and 5k f/m
08:15 Check in and marking for 1k swimmers
09:00 Check in and marking for 300m swimmers
09:30 Start 1k f/m
10:00 Start 300m f/m

Timing: Electronic Timing will be used for the 1k, 3k and 5k event; each athlete will have
wrist chips.
The 300m event, is a fun swim and will only have placement of finisher.

Age: Age of the swimmer on December 31, 2024 (The swimmer’s age group shall be
determined by the age of the swimmer as of midnight on 31st December 2024)

Format: 1k Swim: 10 & Over f/m (max. 40 swimmers)
3k Swim: 12 & Over f/m (max. 40 swimmers)
5k Swim: 14 & Over f/m (max. 20 swimmers)
300m Kids Fun Swim: 14 & under (max 40 swimmers)

Competition: The competition for distance 3k and 5k will be conducted in accordance with
World Aquatics Open Water rules as per https://www.worldaquatics.com/open-water/rules 

Awards: There will be medals for the first 3 swimmers in the following categories f/m
1k Swim: 10-12, 13-15, 16 & over
3k Swim: 12-15, 16 & over
5k Swim: 14-15, 16 & over
Trophy for first 3 swimmers in 5k distance
300m Kids Fun Swim: all participants receive a certificate of participation.

Entries: Selection of the 100 swimmers for the 1k, 3k and 5k distances are based on first
come, first serve based at time of registration.
The 300m fun swim distance has a maximum participant of 40 participants.

Entry deadline: November 6th, 2024, at 10 pm. No exceptions.

Registration is through: https://timing.events/Event/Index?id=86

On the day of the race it will NOT be possible to register.

Entry fee: 

  • F35.00 per swimmer for the 1k, 3k and 5k distances. 
  • F20.00 per swimmer for the 300m Kids Fun Swim distance.

Bank Info: RBC Royal Bank
Sithoc Zwem Vereniging

Description: Name event and name participant or swim-team.
Entry fee can be paid by bank transfer and / or paid by cash on the day of the
technical meet. Sithoc Swim Team will not accept cash payment on the date of
the event.

For the swim teams participating, the amount must be transferred, and a copy of a deposit must be
submitted before the start of the competition. Refund of starting money is not possible.

Technical meet: Technical meet will be held for all participants on November 9, 2024, at
5:30pm at SDK. At the meet the race format, registration and parkour will be

Medical: There will be a mandatory medical examination the day of the race for the 3k
and 5k swimmers.

For the safety of the swimmers, fingernails and toenails must be clipped.
Officials will check fingernail length prior to the events. Non-conformation will
result in disqualification.

Waiver: Each athlete must complete the waiver and release form. For athletes younger
than age 18, his / her parent or guardian, must complete the form.

Protests: All protests against the referee’s decision must be submitted to the referee in
writing within 15 minutes after the event in question. It should be signed by the
representative and accompanied by Fl 25,00.

The fee is refundable if the protest is upheld.

Time Limit: For the 5k event, the time limit to be conducted in accordance with the World
Aquatics Open Water rules as per https://www.worldaquatics.com/openwater/rules. 

Officials: Officials will be used in line with World Aquatics Open Water rules as per

Results: Will be posted on https://timing.events 

Race Venue: The start and finish for all races will be at the same location in water. The course
will be marked by buoys indicating the start and turning points. 

The course will
have a distance of 1000 meters.
1k will swim the course 1 time
3k will swim the course 3 times
5k will swim the course 5 times
The start and finish for the 300m Fun Swim will be at the same starting point as the other distances.



WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM – 5th Sithoc Open Water 2024


Waiver Form:

Conditions of Entry

  • Entry to the Open Water event is limited to the first 100 entrants.
  • No personal paddlers to accompany swimmers.
  • Paddles, fins or flotation devices are not allowed.
  • Entrants are required to follow the directions of race officials at all times and abide by the organizers’ rules.
  • Entrants must be physically fit
  • Sithoc swim team takes no responsibility for personal possessions and equipment during the swim.
  • All competitors must agree the waiver form when registering through https://timing.events  

Sithoc Open Water Swimming Disclaimer

In consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my entry in the Sithoc Swimming Open Water Meet (“the Event”):

I acknowledge the Event is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limit, and carries with it the potential of serious injury and property loss. The risks include but are not limited to, pollution, temperature, weather, lack of hydration, contact with fauna, conditions of athletes’ equipment, the actions of any, all or a combination of participants, volunteers, spectators or producers of the event.

I assume the risk of participation in the Event;

I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in the event

and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person.

I, for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns,

WAIVE all and any claim, right of causes of action and forever RELEASE AND DISCHARGE all persons, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event and the employees, agents, volunteers, officials, representatives and officers or all or any of them which might otherwise have, for or arising out of: loss of life or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever and howsoever caused, suffered or sustained in the course of, consequence upon or incidental to our entry or participation in the said event, and any publication, or use in any form of media whatsoever of my name or photograph or both, whether for advertising of the Event or otherwise.

I INDEMNIFY the persons or entities or other individuals or entities as a result of any of my actions during the Event and associated activities.

I consent to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of any, all or a combination of injury, accident or illness during the Event and associated activities.

I permit the publication or use in any form of media whatsoever of my name or photograph or both, whether for advertising of the Event or otherwise.

This document shall be constructed to provide a waiver, release and discharge and indemnity to the maximum extent permissible under the applicable law.

I hereby certify that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older. I have read this document and I understand its contents, or if under 18 years that the contents of the waiver have been explained to me by my parents or lawful guardian and that their consent to my participation in this event is provided below.

Waiver is agreed electronically when registering, and must be 18 years of age (parent/guardian):